The School of Biological Sciences at the University of Kentucky is currently renovating its undergraduate biology curriculum. New lab exercises are being designed for both majors and non-majors that center on the scientific method and science as a process. This project focuses on the development of a series of computer-based physiology lab modules using Macintosh-based data acquisition stations, each with probes, transducers and data analysis software. MacLab-based physiology exercises will become important components of the second semester introductory laboratory for life science majors, the required mid level Anima Physiology course and physiology-based summer research experiences. In addition, students preparing for careers in elementary and middle school education who are enrolled in our non-majors General Biology Laboratory will utilize the MacLab system in a basic human physiology exercise. These lab exercises will familiarize students with the use of computers in biological investigations, and will provide opportunities for real time data collection and analysis, hypothesis testing, report writing and participation in active group discussions.