The goal of this project is to enhance the chemistry curricula through the use of interactive exercises on the World Wide Web. The addition of networked computers complements the recent purchases of an FT-IR instrument (ILI-IP grant 9551254), an FT-NMR instrument (ILI-IP grant 9551330), and a GC-MS instrument (ILI-IP grant 9751604) and is making significant contributions to chemistry education. Incorporating the resources available on the internet, including tutorials on the theory and use of NMR Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, and the study of Crystalline Solids, is enhancing our curriculum by reinforcing lecture topics, upgrading existing experiments, and allowing the introduction of new experiments. The students also engage in molecular modeling using the Spartan program and compare their results with their laboratory data. Additionally, greater access to computers on campus is allowing for more efficient use of the FT-NMR by creating additional opportunities for processing of data. The networked computers are a mix of network ready PCs and Macs.