This project addresses the integration of mechatronics principles throughout the engineering curriculum at the University. This integration is achieved in the context of team oriented, project-based design activities. The project adapts the course content and laboratory experiences of successful domestic and foreign mechatronics curricula ( at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Rennsalaer Polytechnic Institute, Ohio State University and the University of Melbourne). Mechatronics principles and applications supported by this project are introduced in an integrated way in the existing Principles of Electrical Engineering course for non-EE majors and in a new Introduction to Engineering Design course for freshman engineering majors. The pre-college component of the project introduces students to mechatronics through the adaptation of the "What's a Microcontroller?" curriculum by Parallax. In addition to the mastery of the subject matter, the project stresses improving student competencies in communication skills, teamwork, and project management and promoting the motivation for lifelong learning among working professionals.