The University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, UPRM, is an institution with approximately 12,900 Hispanic students, located in the western municipality of Mayaguez in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It is characterized by a productive track record of awarding baccalaureate degrees in SEM disciplines as evidenced by, on the average, 200 science and math degrees and more than 650 engineering degrees per year during the last five years. The Campus enrolls students with high academic credentials coming from both public and private schools, and from all economic levels.
The primary goal of the 'Engineering Excellence Awards' is to enhance the educational opportunities for low-income, academically talented students through scholarships. This project is improving education for students in engineering, increasing retention of students, improving professional development and motivating participating students to pursue graduate studies, and strengthening partnerships between UPRM and related employment sectors. This goal is being achieved by (i) providing funds to selected students so that they can enroll and maintain full-time student status; (ii) requiring selected students to become tutors in gatekeeper courses, to participate in team-oriented design projects, or undergraduate research; (iii) creating a mentoring process to help selected students enhance their study skills necessary for academic achievement in engineering so that they may become more independent and better prepared to meet the UPRM's academic standards and also successfully attain their long-term educational goals. These activities are advancing students' discovery and understanding; promoting teaching, training, and learning; motivating students to pursue advanced engineering degrees; and broadening the participation of low-income, talented minority students in engineering.