This grant provides continued facility support for the operation of the NSF Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Facility at the University of Arizona in Tucson. The Arizona AMS facility, one of three AMS facilities at U.S. academic institutions, specializes in radiocarbon (14C) dating of a variety of matrices including wood, sediments, natural waters, fossilized bone, coral skeletons and chemical precipitates (i.e. speleothems). In addition, this lab maintains the capability to analyze for other cosmogenic nuclides including 10Be and 129I for use as tracers of geologically important processes. This facility serves the broader U.S. geosciences community through the provision of subsidized rates for AMS analyses for NSF-funded scientists. This lab supports research in a broad array of fields including geology, archaeology, meteoritics, geography, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, hydrology and biology. ***