This grant, made through the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program, provides partial support to upgrade an existing ARL-SEMQ electron microprobe (EMP) in the Geology Department at the University of Hawaii-Hilo. This EMP was recently donated to the Department by the USGS and has since been upgraded with modern PC-based control and data acquisition systems. This support will replace the electron gun power supply (now 20 years old), the back-scatter imaging system, and the optical mirrors within the microprobe. In addition, as teaching and education are an important mission of this laboratory, funds will be used to develop a remote operating capability. This will allow demonstrations of EMP techniques for use in current courses, workshops and to produce outreach programs for local high schools. Additional funds will be used for the purchase of a carbon coater and an optical microscope and image analysis system. Having an operational and modern electron microscopy facility at UH-Hilo will greatly enhance their ability to attract and retain students in the sciences. In particular, Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students make up a large proportion of the student body. Researchers at the nearby USGS Hawaiian Volcanological Observatory (HVO) will also have access to the probe for initial quantitative chemical and textural analysis of basaltic lavas. ***