The Atlanta Consortium for Research in the Earth Science (ACRES) will conduct a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site program at Georgia State University. The purpose of the proposed REU program is to extend opportunities to participate in geoscience research to undergraduate students and secondary school science teachers from the southeast region. REU program participants will work in teams with ACRES faculty on selected research problems in regional geology. Projects are: 1) The Paleontology, Petrology, Depositional Environments and Early Diagenesis of the Sandersville Limestone member of the Tobacco Road Sandstone (Eocene), Coastal Plain of Georgia 2) A Comparative Study of the Geochemistry, Sedimentology and Micropaleontology of Developed and Undeveloped Marginal Marine Systems on the Georgia and South Carolina Coasts 3) Comparative Geochemistry of Flat Rock park Gneiss, Motts Gneiss, and Other Granitoidal Gneisses in the Uchee Belt and 4) Fluid Inclusions from the Uchee Belt: Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Decrepitation Behavior and Microthermometric Determination of Pressure-Temperature Conditions During Metamorphism.