Funds are requested to upgrade a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL JSM-840) located at the Department of Earth Science, Rice University. A new EDS/Imaging detector and a sputter-coater will allow the acquisition of digital SEM images of specimens instead of the outdated technology of Polaroid photos and also the collection of crucial chemical information. The JEOL JSM-840 is a "work horse" system, well known for its stability and longevity. The system is constantly under service contract and is therefore well maintained. However, it lacks the updated technology of capturing digital images as well as element energy dispersive analysis (EDS). Therefore, the funds requested will be used to augment the machine's capabilities substantially. Digital images are much faster and simpler for the operator to acquire and are free after the initial investment for the detector. Polaroid photos tend to be difficult to incorporate into publications and presentation, often losing considerable resolution when scanned or transferred. The NSF-sponsored projects of two research groups (Luttge and Lee) and a multitude of users in the earth and material sciences on the Rice campus will benefit from this upgrade. As examples, the PI's work focuses on the quantification of solid/fluid interactions relevant for nuclear waste management, corrosion, pollution of ground water and carbon sequestration. The SEM provides an independent method to observe the development of the solid surfaces. The Co-PI's work focuses on the geochemistry of igneous, metamorphic, and hydrothermal processes. Within this context, Lee is particularly interested in studying the transport properties of trace metals (platinum group elements, transition elements, etc.). The SEM provides a means of detecting the trace minerals that host these metals. ***