As a research-active undergraduate institution, we will establish a state-of-the-art microscopy laboratory to serve the research needs of undergraduates and seven faculty in Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Geosciences, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics. This highly multidisciplinary laboratory is used to explore materials via various forms of imaging. The SEM with Integrated EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray) Microanalysis and Cathodoluminescence Imaging and Spectroscopy, is located in a new microscopy lab in Butterfield Hall, the home of the Bioengineering Center. Research projects that benefit from the analytical capabilities of this SEM include: fission track analysis, nanocomposites, fossil coprolites, core sediment analysis, art restoration, high temperature superconductors and nanoscale periodic structures. We view this facility as a critical investment to maintain and enhance academic research excellence both for faculty research and for the training of undergraduate researchers. Moreover, SEM technology is integrated into classroom laboratory training and individual student-faculty projects to enrich the research experience of our undergraduates.