The response microbial communities in groundwater aquifer to carbon dioxide (CO2) injection and acidification has so far only been investigated in theoretical terms but has important implications for mineral weathering, carbon sequestration, and groundwater chemistry. We are seeking preliminary funds to collect samples and to perform exploratory analysis during the Acid Neutralization and Redox Chemistry (ANRC) Injection. This is a unique opportunity to leverage ongoing aquifer injection tests and groundwater sampling to better understand the response of microbes to enhanced CO2 acidification and its consequences.
The proposed work will provide pilot data on the impact of acidification disturbances and redox changes such as engineering solutions for geologic carbon sequestration on aquifer microbial communities. The pilot data will be used to evaluate the viability of larger studies of the response of aquifer microbial communities. This sample collection and exploratory research will be utilized as a component of 2 undergraduate senior theses.