PI: Jennifer Guohong Duan, Department of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Arizona.
Abstract for the first year support:
This proposed research is to integrate experimental and numerical methods to investigate sediment transport and sorting through meandering bends. The objective of the first year effort is to set up basic experimental and numerical modeling facilities. The specific tasks include constructing one sine-generated meandering flume and purchasing a Pulse Coherent Acoustic Velocity Profiler. Experiments will be performed to measure turbulent flow field in this flume. In the meantime, the PI will acquire FLUENT user license and install and test it in a newly purchased computer server. The research team will also conduct an intensive literature review focusing on flow hydrodynamics and sediment transport studies in meandering streams. After the first year, it's expected that the essential facilities (e.g. flume, PCAVP) will be ready for performing further experimental and computational mo