Funds from this Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program grant will support acquisition of an energy dispersive spectroscopy X-ray microanalysis (EDS) unit to be interfaced with an existing scanning electron microscope system at CUNY. Funds are also requested for a carbon evaporator system which facilitates conductive sample coating. The system will be employed to 1) characterize unknown materials in sedimentary rocks using coupled elemental analysis to infer tectonic history; 2) to understand abrasion patterns, grain zonation and straigraphic mineral chemistry in troumalines, zircon and garnets; 3) to better understand pearl microstructure; to visualize nanostructured polyaniline-enzyme-metal particles used in highly specific biosensors; 4) to visualize polysiloxane networks used to stabilize gold, platinum and palladium nanoparticles; 5) to assess the activity, selectivity, and efficiency of nano-scale metal particle catalysts; and 6) to determine the ratio of metal to siloxane in Pd-colloids. The instrument will be housed in the Chemistry Department and jointly administered by the PIs. Broader impacts will be evident through a commitment to provide undergraduates with a strong foundation in science. CUNY-QCC has STEP and College Now programs to allure students at the critical age between high school and college. The College attracts students from a broad swath of ethnic backgrounds and advantages. The acquisition will be incorporated into the state?s ?Decade of Science,? and provide a resource for several departments.