The Computational Infrastructure of Geodynamics (CIG) will develop, support and disseminate community-accessible software for the greater geodynamics community from model developers to the broad spectrum of end-users. Software will support a tremendous variety of geodynamic research from mantle and core dynamics, to crustal and earthquake dynamics, to magma migration and seismology. To be successful, the CIG will develop and maintain a high level of community participation across this research spectrum to ensure: ? Reusable, well-documented geodynamics software that can be demonstrated to be keeping pace with developments in hardware. ? Basic software building blocks from which state-of-the-art modeling codes could be quickly assembled; ? Extension of existing software frameworks to interlink multiple codes and data through a superstructure layer; ? Strategic partnerships with the larger world of computational science and geoinformatics to ensure ?best practices? community-specific tool kits for scientific computations in solid-Earth sciences; ? Specialized training and workshops for both the geodynamics and larger Earth Science communities; and ? Hardware resources sufficient to support and facilitate software development and community use.