This grant support the development of a new high magnetic field capable (0.5-1.0 Tesla) single axis Alternating Field (AF) Demagnetizer to support research in rock and paleomagnetism. The design would incorporate a magnetic core, built from high magnetic permeability material, in an air-cooled coil producing a uniform field oriented transverse to the sample bore. The PIs will first build a 0.5 T AF demag system and then will attempt the more challenging 1.0 T design. A successful device will yield a much higher peak alternating field than available on existing commercial devices (a factor of 5-6 higher field) and enable demagnetization of many samples that currently cannot be demagnetized via alternative methods without generating spurious primary remanent magnetizations, particularly rocks that contain magnetic minerals that are chemically altered using thermal demagnetization techniques. It will also offer the ability to characterize the magnetic mineralogy of sedimentary rocks through examination of coercivity distributions derived from AF demagnetization of magnetic remanence. The developed instrument will support collaborative research in rock and paleomagnetism. The PIs will engage undergraduates in some aspects of the development effort.