Eight undergraduate geology students will spend the summer doing research at the Department of Geology at the College of William and Mary. Library research, field work, and laboratory investigation will be combined in each project to give students a broad range of experience. The emphasis will be on indepencent work by the students under the guidance and in the direct field of interest of the research supervisors, and each student will have his or her own research project to work on. The research accomplishments of each student will be presented in a formal written report and the students will also be encouraged to present their findings at a professional meeting. Research projects willbe on the geology of the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Valley and Ridge provinces of Virginia. Coastal Plain projects may be on paleoecologic studies, environmental studies on groundwater contamination and pollution of lakes, and investigation of karst development. Piedmont projects may be on the petrology of granite of diabase, and the structure and stratigraphy of the Triassic Richmond Basin. Valley and Ridge projects may study concretions and limestore beds in Devonian shales, cyclic sedimentation in Ordovician limestones, and detailed structure of a thrust fault.