Recent studies on the origin and development of continental rifts have clearly been hampered by our lack of knowledge on the deep structure of the East African Rift. This classic rift is the standard by which all others are measured. This grant is one of six collaborative grants which support U.S. participation in an international effort to conduct a cooperative study of the Kenyan, Federal Republic of Germany and the European Economic Community, with additional participation by France, Holland, Spain and Ireland, as well as Kenya. This award provides travel, per diem and miscellaneous expenses support for personnel from the U. S. Geological Survey which has a major role. A preliminary experiment was completed in 1985. The results of this experiment suggest that the deep structure of the Kenya Rift is different than anticipated and that the major phase of the project is both scientifically valid and logistically feasible. The major seismic experiment is aimed at determining lithospheric structure in the rift and in adjacent areas. Structure of the sub-Moho lithosphere along the rift, detailed structure in the axial area of the rift, and the transition zones between the rift and adjacent areas are the prime areas of emphasis.