The Soviet Republic of Armenia lies along the southern boundary of the Caucasus Mountains; a chain uplifted by the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian continental plates. Seismic research in the region is especially significant in view of the history of active earthquakes, including the 1988 quake which killed more than 25,000 persons in northern Armenia. A more detailed picture of the seismicity and associated tectonic features is essential for an earthquake hazard assessment. This interagency transfer of funds to the U. S. Geological Survey is intended to cover the costs of the purchase of seismometer equipment and the development of seismic analysis computer software needed to deploy a portable seismometer array in Armenia. The armenian field campaign using this array will last approximately 9 months and is part of the Eurasian Seismic Studies Program, jointly executed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology under the aegis of the US-USSR Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection (Project 02.09-31).