9405767 Satake This research is to quantitatively model non-seismic tsunamis. Tsunamis are caused by various geological phenomena and recorded as waveforms on tide gauges, documented as run-up heights or geologically recorded as tsunami deposits. Tsunamis from earthquake fault motion have been well studied and the earthquake source parameters can be estimated from tsunami records. Generation mechanism of non-seismic tsunamis, on the other hand, is still poorly known and various speculations have been make for the source of the observed tsunamis, without making quantitative examinations. These include unusually large tsunamis from "tsunami" earthquakes, volcanic tsunamis and possibly submarine landslides, as revealed by recent submarine imaging. This research will help us better understand the submarine geological processes that generate tsunamis, and also will provide us basic information to prepare for future tsunamis. This research is a component of the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program. ***