9416222 Seeber This project combines expertise in three areas to apply simultaneously earthquake and geologic constraints in the construction of a three-dimensional deformation model for the Northridge area. A state-of-the-art visualization and modelling algorithm will be used which allows the shape and kinematics of structures to vary in all directions and applies deformation constraints in three dimensions. Surface and near-surface data from the oil industry will be combined with Northridge aftershock data and data from prior seismicity. These data will be incorporated into the cross-sections constructed by collaborators to permit calculation of the convergence rates across the Transverse Ranges-Los Angeles Basin, and the amount of slip and slip rates of hidden thrusts. The results of this study will greatly assist understanding of the subsurface structures of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valleys, and will provide much-needed geometrical and kinematic constraints for seismic hazard interpretations.