9505363 Saunders East Coast Computer Algebra Day, will be held at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware on Saturday, April 8, l995, will have invited speakers who have made outstanding contributions to the field of computer algebra. These speakers will anchor the meeting and will help attract participants from the computer algebra or computational scientific/engineering communities from the eastern half of the US. The invited talks and poster sessions contributed by the community will cover the breadth of computer algebra: algorithms, software, and applications. The principle theme of this l995 meeting is applications. The purpose of this meeting is to stimulate interest in and to enhance understanding of the technical aspects of computer algebra, by providing a way for those in the region who are active or interested in becoming more active in computer algebra to meet with each other in an inexpensive and easily accessible way. This meeting will be more informal than the annual ISSAC meetings, with ample time for unstructured interaction. Participation by the region's graduate students will be encouraged through special invitation to contribute to the poster sessions, and through travel support. ***