9500021 Jiracek The Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) supplemented by this REU program focuses modern geophysical methods on a major geologic problem. Undergraduates first spend four summer weeks doing hands-on research into the structure and tectonics of the Rio Grande rift using seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, magnetics, electrical resistivity, electromagnetics, and magnetotellurics. Follow the fields segment, most REU students continue their research at their home campus or at one-week workshops held during the following academic year. Students participate in every phase of the field program; they process and interpret data and present results in both oral and written form. The SAGE format provides extremely close interaction between faculty and students, as all reside together. SAGE is sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory and 5 schools, who furnish both faculty and equipment. Additional equipment, workstations, and speakers are provided by SAGE Industrial Affiliates, which includes major energy companies, contractors, and computer manufacturers. The award supports 15 undergraduates, who join an equal number of graduate students.