9601489 Street This grant, made through the Academic Research Infrastructure (ARI) Program, provides $110,356 as partial support of the costs of acquiring instrumentation for high-resolution shear-wave investigations within the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Specific equipment will include a Minivib seismic source to produce both compressional and shear waves at sufficient force and at frequencies enabling penetration to 1.5-2 km depths, a 24-bit, 48 channel seismograph, geophones and cables, and an upgrade to their current seismic processing software that will license them to process Vibroseis type data. This high frequency source and multi-channel seismograph will allow high- resolution imaging of the semi-consolidated soils that lie over Paleozoic strata in the Upper Mississippi Embayment. Characterization of the thickness of these layers and shear wave velocities within these layers will provide useful data for seismic hazard mitigation and engineering purposes. ***