9615677 Ekstrom This grant provides $149,829 as partial salary support for a technician responsible for network administration for the seismology computer facility at Harvard University. This is a Phase II technician support proposal under the EAR/IF technician support sub-program and as such, will continue support of this technician for an additional two-years beyond the first three years of technical support (EAR-9219192). The seismology group at Harvard conducts world-class research on global tomographic models, studies of Love and Rayleigh wave propagation in the crust and upper mantle and continues service to the seismological community via their efforts at calculating waveforms, travel times, complete seismograms etc. from data generated from the IRIS Global Seismographic Network (GSN). This grant will provide technical service to a large group (20 faculty, graduate and undergraduate students) of seismologists. Additionally, the University, under the guidelines for a Phase II technician support proposal under the EAR/IF program is committed to support of this position for a minimum of two-years beyond expiration of this Phase II award, ***