9707054 Wendlandt This grant provides $48,962 as one-half support of the costs of upgrading the Cameca MBX electron microprobe (EMP) at the Colorado School of Mines with a PC-based automated instrument interface, a digital imaging system for analyses of backscattered electron images and crystals permitting light element analyses (i.e. Li, B). This upgrade is a significant improvement over the current and original (vintage 1980) DEC PDP-11 based computer control system, which is no longer supported by the manufacturer. PC-automation and digital image analysis will benefit a variety research programs currently utilizing the EMP for quantitative geochemical analysis including studies of the petrogenesis of continental rift volcanics, elucidation of the driving forces behind dolomitization of reef carbonates, studies of the phase equilibria of carbonate systems, and metallurgical studies. Furthermore, this upgrade will provide students with training on software packages that are the current standard at larger research institutions and laboratories. ***