9725556 Chave The goal of this project is to characterize electromagnetically Archaean cratonic roots, specifically the root of the southern and central portion of the Slave craton in Canada. The results of this study will be combined with ongoing broadband magnetotelluric, reflection seismic, passive seismic and related geological studies of the Canadian Lithoprobe Transect SNORCLE to help improve understanding of the nature and origin of deep cratonic roots. Proven oceanic magnetotelluric technology installed in strategically located lakes on the Archaean Slave province will be used to conduct very deep magnetotelluric probing of cratonic root structure. Information on the depth extent of the root electrically, any lateral variation in its structure, and its deep electrical anisotropy will be obtained. These results combined with those from SNORCLE will help address questions on the structure and composition of the deep crust and mantle beneath the oldest craton and are relevant to the understanding of how Archaean cratons have been modified over the past 4 Ga. In addition, various hypotheses on the formation of continental lithosphere in general can be tested with the data to be collected. ***