9725735 Owens This grant provides partial support of the costs of upgrading the University of South Carolina geophysics computer network. Eight existing Sun workstations (SUN SPARC 1's, SLC and LX's) purchased between 1990 and 1994 will be upgraded to Ultra 1 configurations and two existing servers to Ultra 2 configurations. Increased computational speed and disk storage capacity will benefit presently funded and planned computationally intensive research programs in lithospheric seismology, GPS geodesy and seismotectonics. Additionally, increased disk storage capacity will serve as archival support for the South Carolina Seismic Network funded by the USGS and the DOE-Savannah River Site but maintained by South Carolina geophysics faculty. Recently funded research (EAR-9706663) will require state-of-the-art processing power and massive data storage for development of seismic models of the lower mantle based on data collected from temporary broadband regional networks. Powerful graphics capabilities will allow visualization of 3-D seismic models of the deep continental structure of cratonic lithosphere in Tanzania inferred from PASSCAL data and real-time visualization of geological time-scale tectonic motions at convergent margins in Central and South America calculated from campaign and permanent GPS data. ***