9725804 Thompson Avalon is a composite terrane that formed along the margin of Gondwana and crossed the ancient ocean Iapetus to collide with Laurentia by mid-Paleozoic time, thus is an important element in global plate reconstruction subsequently, fragments of Avalon drifted during younger orogenics and now present on both sides of the Atlantic. Along the east coast of North America, fragments of Avalon occur in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, southeastern New England in the coastal mid-Atlantic states. In order to accurately re-position these fragments to reconstruct the original composite terrane age and spatial information from each is required. This project will gather age and paleomagnetically determined paleopole data for Avalon in the Boston Basin portion of the Southwestern New England Avalon Zone. Results when combined with similar data from other Avalon terranes, will allow reconstructions for the original terrane or superterrane and illuminate its relationship to the Gondwana supercontinent.