9730013 Flower This grant provides partial support of the costs of relocating and upgrading a functioning electron microprobe (EMP) from Northwestern University (NWU) to the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). A JEOL 733 that was originally purchased in 1985 for ca. $415,000 with matching funds from NSF in the amount of $250,000 will be housed in a new centralized research instrumentation facility at UIC where trained and experienced microscopy technicians and complementary microscopy facilities (i.e. TEM, SEM) already exist. A large number of PI's will make use of this probe for research spanning the fields of petrology, geochemistry, mineralogy and material science including analyses of melt inclusions in oceanic basalts, thermobarometric studies of mantle xenoliths based on high-resolution EMP data, phyllosilicate mineralogy, high-temperature crystallography and analyses of impurities in ceramics and semiconductors. ***