9805160 Shervais This grant provides partial support for the costs of acquiring a Philips PW2400 x-ray fluorescence spectrometer. This instrument will be used to perform major and trace chemical analyses of bulk rock samples in support of NSF-funded research projects in the Earth Sciences by the PI and other investigators at the University of South Carolina, and by investigators at other institutions in the southeastern region, including Clemson, the College of Charleston, Benedict College, Centenary College, and the Savannah River Environmental Sciences Field Station. Projects supported by NSF which will use this instrument include investigations of plume-related volcanism in southern Idaho, ophiolites (ocean crust) in the Coast Ranges of northern California, arc volcanism and associated mineral deposits in Kohistan (Pakistan), volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Carolina terrane and other exotic accreted terranes in the southern Appalachians, and eclogites and related high-P granulites of the central Carolina Piedmont. In addition to the co-investigators of this grant (Shervais, Dennis, McGee), the University of South Carolina has just hired two new faculty members in the area of orogenic systems (James Knapp and Matthew Kohn) who will use this instrument in their research. ***