The objectives of this research are to design, fabricate, and test molecular wires, and singlemolecule electronic devices, in particular diodes, light-activated switches and transistors, based on dimetal inorganic complexes containing metal-metal bonds. These metal complexes provide better control and tunability of electron transport properties as compared to organic molecules used in molecular devices to date. The approach is to incorporate these complexes into various two- or three-terminal nano-junctions formed by nanolithography, and to measure their electron transport characteristics, such as rectification and amplification. The educational component includes a jointly developed and co-taught course to train students in molecular electronics during Spring 2005, as well as a one week summer workshop on instrumentation techniques. The miniaturization of current silicon-based electronic devices is approaching a limit set by physical and economical constraints. Alternative technologies, such as molecular electronics, are required to overcome this limit and increase computation speed. Here, molecules are utilized as conventional electronic devices. The research proposed herein explores the feasibility of using dimetal inorganic complexes as components in molecular electronics. If successful, the proposed research will open new avenues for designing molecular electronic devices and will provide insight into the electron transport of molecules. The interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research will provide students with opportunities to communicate with researchers from different fields. The nanoscale characterization and fabrication proposed in the research will give students hands-on experience in using state-of-the-art equipment commonly used in nanoscience and technology. This will better prepare them for careers in this exciting research area.

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Miami University Oxford
United States
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