This CAREER proposal focuses on the design of a novel system for reading radio-frequency (RF) backscatter tags at 5.8 GHz. Backscatter radio is an incredibly promising technology for the wireless exchange of sensor data, identification information, and digital content using passive, low-cost devices. Todays state-of-the-art RF tags struggle to exchange information with tags and readers separated by a distance of even 1m. The proposed basic research will enable a separation distance in excess of 100m, pushing the technology of RF backscatter tags into entirely new application spaces: internal glucose monitoring for diabetics, contactless data retrieval from memory sticks, hull corrosion sensing for aircraft, wireless barcodes, and countless other conceivable applications.

Intellectual Merit: The technical goal of the proposed project is to design, construct, and characterize a 5.8 GHz RF backscatter tag system using multiple antennas at both reader and tag. A basic 5.8 GHz backscatter measurement testbed will be constructed. We will add incremental complexity to the system, designing multiple antennas, modulation, and multiple access schemes, until a full 4 x 2 x 4 (4 transmitter antennas, 2 RF tag antennas, and 4 receiver antennas) system is complete. We will also characterize diversity gains, spatio-temporal channel characteristics, and on-object tag degradations.

Broader Impacts: This project is a crucial part in fulfilling the PIs career goal of establishing a world-class research program at Georgia Tech that brings industry, government, and international academic institutions together for the invention and study of cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary radio technologies. RF backscatter tags are the backbone of the fledgling program. The PI will incorporate this research into applied RF/electromagnetics courses at Georgia Tech. As part of the proposed project, the PI and the student radio organization WREK also plan to develop and broadcast 5 audio programs that will educate general audiences across metropolitan Atlanta about new radio technology.

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Georgia Tech Research Corporation
United States
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