The objective of this research is the development of surface plasmon based terahertz detectors. The approach is to integrate modeling and experiments, from design to testing of nano-plasmonic terahertz sensors based on AlGaAs/GaAs, and GaSb/GaInSb material systems. The project will start with testing the SP resonance enhancement of absorption on doped thin films, studying the effects of size, shape, and distribution of engineered metal nanostructures. The best patterns will be tested on the terahertz detector structures. The response of single and multilayer detectors with nanostructures will be compared. These ideas will also be tested on GaSb/GaInSb material systems, optimizing terahertz sensors for various frequency ranges.
Intellectual Merit This program aims to develop an understanding of coupling the incoming radiation to the plasmons in a metal nanostructure, and coupling the plasmons to detectors, exploring nanoscale devices and producing novel design concepts leading to the next generation of terahertz sensors. These detectors, integrated into system architectures of different operational environments, could be utilized for homeland security, medical diagnostics, defense, secure communication, environmental and gas sensing among various other applications.
Broader Impact This project will make a significant contribution to the US science and technology base, and supply the scientific community with young scientists. Post-doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students will benefit immensely by the exposure to innovative techniques, providing a well-rounded education. The involvement with P-16 (teachers, K-12 students, undergrads), exposing teachers to research allows them to transfer their enthusiasm to students, arousing the student's curiosity in science at an early stage.