PI Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
Intellectual Merit: This PI will use novel methods, based upon computational intelligence and learning, to perform remote assessment of the damage done by hurricane Katrina to communication systems. If possible, she will use this remote analysis to guide follow-up on-site evaluation of the damage and help guide local investigations. The methods to be used are unique new methods, developed in crossdisciplinary research developing a new bridge between research on computational intelligence and research on communication network systems.
Broader impacts: This SGER is part of a group of SGER proposals funded by special funds in fiscal year 2005, set aside late in the year for projects which may leverage unique capabilities of the NSF research community to try to benefit the victims of Katrina. Because communication problems have been a major contributor to difficulties in the Katrina area, there is serious reason to hope that the unique capabilities of this PI may be able to offer new and useful help in time to be of real use.