The objective of this research is to develop solid-state sources of single photons and the means to interact such photons coherently with an active center in a solid. Quantum information technology will be enabled by creating photons on demand in a deterministic manner. Applications include improved quantum key distribution, long-distance transmission of quantum entanglement, distributed processing, quantum error correction, and qubit repeaters. The experimental approach is to use a high-finesse hemispherical optical micro-cavity to enhance the interactions of photons with semiconductor quantum dots and with optical centers in diamond nanocrystals. Modeling for quantum dynamics will be developed in support. Intellectual Merit The engineering of photon sources requires tailoring the interaction between the optical field and the atomic emitters. This requires an integrated understanding of classical and quantum field theory, and solid-state physics. By proper cavity design, the coherent interaction between the cavity mode and a single emitter can be made to dominate the decay mechanisms that usually lead to incoherent emission. Such strong coupling will allow coherent exchange of energy between cavity and emitter, which is at the heart of quantum information processing. Broader impacts include potential breakthroughs in communications and information processing. Quantum information technology is attracting students into research, including graduate, undergraduate and REU. In the Oregon Center for Optics, students participate in teaching laboratories, seminars, joint group meetings, outside collaborators, and annual research retreats. The PI recently initiated a course for undergraduate non-science majors, called The Physics Behind the Internet, on the physical basis for information technology. A companion textbook is scheduled for publication in 2007.