Electromechanical Resonators as Sensors for Chemical and Bio-molecules.

The objective of the current SGER is to sense chemical and bio-molecules using electromechanical resonators. To attain this overall goal, several sub-tasks will be performed: (i) Investigation of the sensitivity of cantilever resonators to charge and potential changes; (ii) Investigation of the phenomenon of parametric resonance in cantilevers to determine possible enhancement in sensitivity, especially in viscous medium; (iii) Investigation of changes in surface potential due to adsorption of chemical and bio-molecules on functionalized surfaces; (iv) Identification of the signature of each chemical or bio molecule present in a mixture, based on measurements conducted on an array of functionalized surfaces. Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merits of the proposed work include enhancement of our understanding of the phenomenon of parametric resonance in cantilever resonators, understanding of surface potential changes due to adsorbed chemical and bio molecules on specific functionalized surface, and develop unique signatures of the chemical and bio-molecules based on n-dimensional potential changes caused by them. Broader Impacts: The project will impact the development of methodologies and apparatus for single electronic charge and perhaps single photon detection. In addition, it will investigate measurements of potential changes on surfaces immersed in liquid medium.During the short time duration of the project of one year, two specific education and outreach activities will be undertaken: (i) I will involve one undergraduate student in the sensor research activities, who will work with the graduate student involved in this work, and (ii) develop a website containing information on the latest advances on electromechanical resonator sensors.

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University South Carolina Research Foundation
United States
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