The objective of this research is to develop a framework for a new generation of bio-sensors harnessing bacteria able to transfer electrons to electrodes, by fabricating novel electrode systems able to study, define, and manipulate the pathway of electron transfer between these unique bacteria and electrode surfaces. Specific aims include determination of (a) biofilm resistance at bacteria-electrode interfaces, (b) electron transfer rates to electrodes with nano- versus microscale surface roughness, and (c) long-range conductance between bacteria. This will allow engineering of prototype sensors that exploit the specificity and diversity of bacterial metabolism, while utilizing lower-cost fabrication approaches through industrial partnerships.
The intellectual Merit of this research is in the development of models predicting electronic properties and performance of bacterial films. Test electrodes optimized for bacterial interactions will improve data reliability when studying bacterial biofilms, and reveal fundamental information about the nature of microbial electron transfer.
The Broader Impact of this research involves its potential to improve and reduce the cost of multiple applications related to microbial activity at electrodes, including; environmental monitoring with bio-based devices, accelerated bioremediation, and renewable energy production. This project will involve a diverse (age, gender, and ethnicity) workforce who will play a key role in technology transfer through university research as well as internships with this GOALI's industrial partner. Educational modules on "green" electronics will be generated, and public STEM education forums (e.g. Science Museum of Minnesota) will be used to target broader and under-represented K-12 community groups.