The objective of this research is to realize thermally-stable spin torque transfer structures with ultra low switching current density. This approach is based on a novel magnetic-tunnel-junction-based (MTJ) spin torque transfer structure with perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a composite free layer, which will likely support the areal density of magnetic random access memory (MRAM) up to 50 Gbit/in2. .
Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merit is in the new spin switching configuration and the design and fabrication of a thermally-stable sub-50-nm MTJ-based spin transfer structure with low switching current density, which will address the scaling problem for the MRAM. The proposed research addresses the issues by a combination of growth of chemically-ordered perpendicular FePt films and composite free layers, their integration with MTJ structure, nano patterning and thermally-activated magnetization switching study by fast magnetization switching test.
Broader Impacts: The broad impact of this research involves: the integration of education and research through outreach to K-12 students, undergraduate education and graduate research and research fellow study. Undergraduates and high school teachers/students will participate in Research Experience for Undergraduates programs. Graduate students will benefit from interdisciplinary centers and extensive contact with industry. Education on thin film growth, magnetic materials, fast magnetization switching test and nanoscale spintronic devices patterning will be emphasized through core courses, magnetic seminars and new lectures. Finally, although this proposal is worded towards the needs of MRAM, other applications such as magnetic logic devices and spintronic probe arrays could also benefit from this novel spin transfer device proposed in this research.