ECCS-0747766 Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue University
The objective of this research is to provide new fundamental insights for liquid-based high-frequency circuits and antennas simultaneously optimized in the electrical, thermal and mechanical energy domains. The approach is to synthesize liquid microwave devices and circuits with the ability to exploit their liquid nature for adapting and cooling themselves.
Intellectual merit: Although researchers have already addressed many challenges associated with heterogeneously integrated three-dimensional circuits, thermal management remains one of the most difficult problems in such architectures. This research merges two powerful technologies, high-frequency electronics and microfluidics, to provide an attractive solution with substantial improvements in power efficiency and agility. In particular, the envisioned liquid radio frequency devices will offer considerably enhanced adaptivity because of the natural ability of a liquid to reconfigure its shape. Furthermore, they will utilize the same liquid materials (dielectrics and metals) for both tuning their performance and cooling themselves.
Broader impacts: The outcome of this effort is expected to be a critical enabling technology for the future generation of three-dimensional multifunctional circuits. This will constitute a convincing demonstration that electrical and thermal designs need and can be combined into one electro-thermal co-design process. New design rules are expected to evolve and become available into the next generation design software. This research is also integrated with an educational plan focused on attracting and retaining domestic minority students and in engaging undergraduate students to research activities early in their careers. This effort will be well-coordinated with appropriate established service-learning and project-oriented programs at Purdue University.