The objective of this project is to organize a workshop to discuss critical research and education challenges pertaining to the power electronics requirements for integration of renewables into the grid. This workshop allows leaders from government, industry, and faculty to work synergistically toward a national research agenda.
Intellectual Merit
The workshop will gather experts who have vision and experience on the need of power conditioning technology and related education for alternate energy systems. The discussions from industry will cover practical aspects and technical challenges that need the support from academia. The presentations from government will show government policy and long term visions. The presentations from researchers will address technical challenges and educational directions that need funding support from NSF and other government agencies.
Broader Impact
The proposed workshop presentations and discussions will be assembled into a technical report that outlines the technical challenges and funding prioritization for NSF. As a result, the educational and research activities will be more in line with the need of industry, and the students involved in the associated education and research will be quicker to adapt to their new jobs in this field. The society will have more qualified engineers in the advanced power conditioning technology for alternate energy systems.