The objective of this research is to address and resolve certain critical problems of on-chip interconnects in future microprocessors that threaten to impede the progress of the microelectronics industry in less than a decade. Feasible revolutionary alternatives to overcome some of those impediments using carbon nanotube architectures are proposed. The approach is to develop highly organized ultra-high performance carbon nanotube architectures that can potentially replace and outperform existing technologies for extremely narrow (below 22 nanometers) future interconnects.
Although industrial technology roadmaps have envisaged that carbon nanotube architectures will comprehensively outperform present interconnect technologies in several ways, there has been little progress in their development and integration. A synergy of multidisciplinary intellectually stimulating concepts and their resulting inventions by the investigators, this program will bridge a crucial technological gap in the microprocessor industry. The anticipated revolutionary interconnect structures developed in this research program are expected to meet or exceed technology roadmap projections and could facilitate the continuing progress of microprocessor industries.
The most fruitful impact of this program will be in educating and training a young pool of researchers (from high-school to graduate students) with appropriate skill sets needed for tackling cutting-edge technological issues in nano/microelectronics industries. The development of advanced course materials, short-term research modules and signature educational programs such as Application of Nanoscale Industrial Materials for Advanced Technology and Education (ANIMATE) will stimulate students towards advanced research and education at an early stage, which will play a key role in reversing the lack of adequate representation from diverse backgrounds.