The research objective of this project is to explore and develop a new label free optical technique to achieve portable, inexpensive and high resolution devices capable of real time, in situ detection of particles to address issues faced by conventional particle counters/spectrometers. Specifically, we will investigate and exploit mode splitting in ultra high quality Whispering Gallery Mode optical resonators for ultrasensitive, realtime, insitu monitoring and characterization of nanoparticles with various chemical and physical properties at single particle resolution.
Intellectual Merit: Real time, in situ single particle detection and characterization will lay the groundwork to investigate the dynamics and properties of individual nanoparticles and effectively utilize them to develop innovative products. However, most conventional macroscale methods only allow ensemble measurement of nanoparticles, revealing average behaviors of the nanoparticle systems. Our chip scale microscopic sensing device provides label free, single particle resolution, self referencing feature, and superior noise immunity for real time, in situ measurements at ambient conditions, which constitutes a significant advancement compared to existing schemes.
Broader Impact: The interdisciplinary nature of this work encourages collaborations with groups in environmental engineering, biology and physics to explore new classes of spectroscopy for characterizing the interactions between particles, molecules, and ligands. The success of this project will have significant impacts on materials science, chemical analysis, energy, biomedicine, communication, instrumentation, and metrology for nanotechnology. The PI will develop education programs in which students at different levels can obtain broad knowledge and diverse technical skills in nanoscience and technology. She will leverage the existing outreach programs between Washington University and surrounding communities to foster and promote understanding of nanotechnology among the general public.