Research Objectives and Approaches The objective of this research is to investigate major technological challenges and develop novel technological solutions for next generation, superfast, energy efficient, and economic electric vehicle charging stations with high performance power grid support capabilities.
The approach is integrating and advancing novel power electronics, power system and control technologies to develop high power, low energy loss and high reliability power architectures and energy conversion units. The electric vehicle charging station will work as an energy hub where renewable energy sources, grid energy storage, electric vehicles and power grid exchange energies to simultaneously achieve superfast charging and grid supports.
Intellectual Merit The proposed research activity develops critical technologies for power architectures, control and high efficiency medium-frequency transformer design for superfast electric vehicle charging and grid supports in the applications of electrification of transportations and renewable energy. The successful development of the proposed technologies will significantly improve energy conversion efficiency for electric vehicle charging and grid supports, increase system's reliability, and improve the electrical performance of charging and grid support infrastructures.
Broader Impacts The proposed research reduces the energy cost and the infrastructure expense of electric grids, reduces greenhouse gas emission effects and facilitates the use of electric vehicles in our society. It aligns with the national strategies of the electrification of transportation and green energy. The research is integrated with education plans designed for underrepresented minority students, female students, high school students, university students and high school teachers from the university, local high schools and local communities.