This program is to investigate Fano resonance principles and dispersion engineering approaches in photonic crystal cavities, for reconfigurable dual-directional emission (vertical and in-plane) membrane reflector VCSELs on Si.
Intellectual Merit: The research will lead to the understanding of the fundamental Fano resonance physical characteristics and applications towards novel nanophotonic light sources with unique emission properties, as well as vertical-cavity edge-emitting lasers (VCEELs). Taking advantage of the unique modal characteristics and dispersion engineering capabilities in Fano resonance photonic crystal slabs, one of the Fano resonance Si-based membrane reflectors will be modified and designed to facilitate light coupling into in-plane waveguides, utilizing relatively large field concentration inside the Si-MR region.
Broader Impacts: The investigations of Fano resonance principles, coupled with various photonic crystal cavity designs, can impact a wide range of active and passive photonic device applications, such as lasers, detectors, modulators, couplers, and beam routing structures, etc. The reconfigurable dual-directional emission of ultra-compact lasers is highly desirable for a wide range of applications for both vertically and in-plane integrated photonics, as well as laser beam-steering and ranging systems. The success of the development of economical yet reliable lasers on Si will permit monolithic integration of sensing, spectroscopy, signal processing and computing all on a single chip. The education plan focuses on a few major activities, including interdisciplinary research and education, curriculum development on optoelectronics and green photonics, efforts to recruit underrepresented students in this research, and collaborations with national labs and industry.