The PIERS 2014 Conference will cover the latest development in the area of energy related to photovoltaics and solid state lighting (LEDs and OLEDs). The meeting will encompass advances in photovoltaics, material sciences, optics, organic chemistry and semiconductors. In particular, the conference will review the fields of thin film photovoltaics single crystal quantum dot solar cells, tandem and multi-junction solar cells, colloidal quantum dots and organic solar cells, light management techniques, spectral splitting and concentrators. With NSF support, a special evening session will be organized to discuss where the field is going and to determine the most important research directions.
Broader Impact: A wide range of multidisciplinary topics related to energy will be addressed at PIERS 2014. The meeting will motivate participants to pursue new promising directions which might have an enormous impact on alternative sources of plentiful energy. This meeting offers a unique opportunity for the community to share the exciting state-of-the-art technological developments and explore/promote new collaborations. The special evening session will help US students and young faculty to pursue new directions for future research. Participation of student and young researchers will be fostered based on NSF funds to partially cover travel expenses and registration fees.