The proposed project seeks financial support to increase the diversity of speakers and enhance student participation at the 77th Device Research Conference (DRC) to be held from June 23 to 26, 2019 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The conference will focus on a variety of devices including those based on organic and inorganic semiconductors, as well as spin and quantum devices. The Conference will host world-renowned researchers in advanced devices as invited speakers, whose expertise range from design, to fabrication characterization and applications. In addition to technical talks, short courses on highly relevant topics presented by renowned world experts will greatly enhance the usefulness of the conference to attendees. The technical program will provide student participants with the opportunity to gain exposure to new materials and devices, their basic physics, and their engineering applications. Exposing the next generation of researchers to these important disciplines is critical to maintain the supply of STEM workers with the skillsets necessary to address emerging commercial trends. The information will be disseminated through the conference proceedings.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.