An investigation is proposed for the fabrication of novel surface superlattices which will combine with multiple quantum wells to form quantum wires along a semiconductor surface. Quantum wires are generally expected to have enormous potential for improving th performance of serveral optical devices, but currently the experimental realization of these structures has been limited because quantum wires are extremely difficult to fabricate. GaAlAs multiple quantum well samples will be investigated, first using several novel approaches to forming quantum wires, namely (1) electric field-induced quantum wires, (2) strain-induced quantum wires, and (3) quantum wires formed with a focussed ion beam process. Theoretical modeling will be used to determine the extent to which the experimentally fabricated structures can provide two-dimensional quantum confinement. Quantum wire samples will be fabricated and a number of optical techniques will be used to characterize the material including photolumineescence to experimentally verify the presence of two dimensional quantum confinement.