This is a renewal support of NCCE, the National Center for Computational Electronics, previously supported under NSF grant ECS-8809023. There are three major components: research, education and computational services. Research focus is electron transport in solid-state semiconductors. The specific used in Monte Carlo Simulation for the solution to the Boltzman Transport Equation; up-grade standard drift- diffusion simulators by including full band-structure in a Monte Carlo add-on package; higher-order moment closure (hydrodynamic) models for parallel implementation; include lattice temperature effects for high current/voltage regimes; coupling of device performance to circuit and thermal boundary conditions (mixed-mode simulation). Educational activities includes the support of post-doctoral visitors at the Beckman Institute and NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, regular workshop and tutorials for graduate students, and developing stronger ties to the SRC Technology Transfer Courses (TTC's). Creation of a board environment for the students in device modeling which will include not only electrical engineering but also applied mathematicians, aeronautical and mechanical engineers, computer scientists all of whom have similar computational difficulties. NCCE will continue to be the node for computational resources for device modeling community. It will coordinate with NCSA for block time on a mix of platforms, vector, massively parallel, high-eng graphics, etc. Furthermore, NCCE will continue to provide software consultation to the community on improving code efficiency on the supercomputers. Finally, NCCE will continue the development and expansion of cross-disciplinary groups and collaboration between academic institutions and industrial laboratories.