The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, will purchase an optical spectrum analyzer, together with an RF phase noise test-set from Hewlett Packard, which will be dedicated to support research in Electrical and Communications Systems Engineering. The equipment will be used for many interdisciplinary research projects at UCSD involving photonics components and system research, including in particular (a) high speed, large bandwidth, large dynamic range waveguide devices, (b) planar, monolithic and array integration of high performance photonic devices, (c) a wideband traveling-wave waveguide photodetector, (d) hybrid optical transmitter at high center frequency, (e) dielectric properties of multiple quantum wells. These projects, based on a synergy between optoelectric material, devices, and system, will lead to higher performance fiber optic communication systems. The equipment requested will be jointly funded by NSF and UCSD with additional maintenance funds from research programs sponsored by the Defense Department and industry.