WPCf 2 B J d | x MACNormal p 5 X ` h p x (# % '0* , .81 3 5@8 : < : } D 4 P T I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) T 0 * * . , US X ` h p x (# % '0* , .81 3 5@8 : < : } D 4 P 0 * * . , US , 3 ' 1 MACNormal Unlu 9309607 In this research proposal, the PI has described a method for transient simulation of optoelectronic devices and circuits. The semiconductor equations will be represented as equivalent circuit components and solved using a public domain circuit simulator. Besides the inherent advantage of providing mixed mode device and circuit simulation capability embedded in a circuit simulator, this technique can also be used for extracting the device and circuit level model parameters to match measured data through optimization. The PI will utilize this simulation tool to develop ultrafast photodetectors and monolithic receivers. There exists a growing consensus that the process, device, and circuit simulation tools used as separate entities need to be integrated into a combined simulation environment for efficient design and optimization of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. The proposed research will incorporate the transient device simulation into a public domain circuit simulator providing the researchers with an integrated simulation tool. Such integration will shorten the development cycle for new technologies by providing accurate predictions of various physical phenomena on the device and circuit level and by allowing the investigation of detailed device behavior within the circuit environment. Optoelectronic devices are usually monolithically integrated with electronic circuits such as amplifiers, especially for high speed applications. For better understanding of OEICs, a simulation tool capable of transient analysis at device level which can be directly interfaced with circuit level components will be invaluable. Besides its inherent advantages, mixed mode simulation technique can also be used for extracting circuit level model parameters for new electronic and optoelectronic devices. This extraction technique will yield a very fast method for model development for new devices.Using the capability of ac curately representing optoelectronic components we will design novel structures. The design efforts will result in new optoelectronic devices and circuits with operation bandwidths approaching 100 GHz. ***