9414558 Casey A major practical limitation to the application of high resolution two-dimensional ultrasonic imaging is the size and flexibility of the cable linking the transmitter/receive transducer element with the powering and processing electronics. The PI's have successfully fabricated a prototype based on a combination of a fiber optics and integrated optoelectronics, which would replace the cumbersome coaxial cable currently used to excite the transmit pulses for relatively small linear transducer arrays. They propose the use of the Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (EPSD) facility for assistance in the design and fabrication of the photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) which is the critical element of our approach. Support of the proposed research would be in direct support of advanced biomedical ultrasound techniques already being partially supported by the National Science Foundation as well as Army interests in the application of high resolution ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation (NDE) to materials and structures of military significance. ***